Join the Orchestra!

You are on this page because you saw the link and immediately thought “Okay!” 😀 I’m assuming. Maybe you’re on a tablet and you sneezed on the link. Or something. But if you want to play Beethoven with me in 2013, you are on the right page.

If you would like to play with us, first of all, I am honored by your interest. I won’t be able to pay you, which will probably be a deal-breaker for some professionals with three babies at home, but I also will not be charging a fee, which will probably make this a sweet deal for some students.

You definitely don’t have to commit to all nine symphonies: let me know which months are best for you. Ideally, I aim to rehearse 3-4 times before each concert. I will double-check your availability before adding you to each concert roster.

The only requirement is that you have performed at least one Beethoven symphony before. String players are virtually guaranteed acceptance if you meet this requirement; winds and percussion, let’s see how much interest there is. If there is an overflow of interest for any instrument, I will choose players based on level of experience, but right now I don’t see this becoming an issue. Welcome aboard the HMS Beethoven! (That’s not a good orchestra name, is it?)

All you need to do is send an e-mail to with the following information:



Local address


A list of all the Beethoven symphonies you have performed, with the ensembles, years and conductors…or your resume, if that’s easier.

Your general availability this year (which nights are never free, if you plan on attending a summer festival, etc) If this changes, just forward the new info to me with the original e-mail.

Optional bonus question: Which is your favorite Beethoven symphony, and why?

Thanks so much, I look forward to working with you!


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